To my dear, sweet readers and friends, how you all spend yours CNY long holiday about last two weeks?
I hope you all had a wonderful reunion with all of your family, relatives and friends during the warm CNY festive.
My family they have also visited Genting highland during CNY, my brother has booked for few rooms for all of us to gathering during chor 2 & Chor 3 (Day 2 &
Day 3 of CNY) for family reunion, to enjoy the nice view and cold weather above the
Genting actually has a very special place for me and my family, I like the exciting activities here that able to entertain adults and also the kids.
For me, I always visit Genting to watch for my favorite live concert show or join any great events that held at there.
If for kids, they definitely want you to bring them to visit the indoor/outdoor theme
Moreover can bring them watch the magic show to enjoy quality family time together.
I am honored to be invited to participate in the meet and greet session with World Famous silent mentalist ~ " Aaron Crow " !
I am honored to be invited to participate in the meet and greet session with World Famous silent mentalist ~ " Aaron Crow " !
We all have the great chance to ‘Up Close & Personal with Aaron Crow’ , and be the first batch of audience to watch his Exclusive Preview and also to have group pictures with him in Malaysia.
I was really have to recommend his " Fearless, Cheating Death Nightly " show to all
my friends and reader because it's too much exciting and fantastic.
Before start explaining the magical show, I would like to given some introduction about our Award Winning Magician ~ * Aaron Crow *.
* Aaron Crow * often described as mental artist extraordinaire or silent mentalist, with his fusion magic, suspense, risky stunts and mystery, Aaron is able to capture the attention of the audience without uttering a single word. His unmatched power and eloquent silence has long since become his onstage trademark, always leaving his audience at the edge of their seats and longing for more.
Aaron has appeared in numerous TV and gala shows including the popular " Le Plus Grand Du Monde" that featured his candle and sword act a whopping three times. Aaron has also appeared in the biggest TV shows in the world and was recently featured in Broadway New York, London West End and the iconic Sydney Opera House. He also enjoyed million of hits on Youtube.
Aaron's appearance on the smash hit TV show " Britain's Got Talent " wowed both the audience and judge. Even the infamous and dreaded Simon Cowell comment, " That's a great act. I love the idea of watching something where there is a possibility that someone could actually die" . And during his live show performance, Aaron even trended worldwide on Twitter.
Apart from that, his skilled performance brings so many international achievements were winning World Champion Mentalism at the 2003 Den Haag XXII World Championship and winning the Wizard Trophy (Phenomenon Category) last year.
It can be said that Aaron was born to be a magician. At the age of 12, he was presented a book on the iconic Harry Houdini where he found out that one of Houdini's well-known acts involved swallowing needles. Coincidence or not, Aaron
himself had an early encounter with needles, he was rushed to hospital with a needle stuck in his throat at the age of three. But it was his encounter with mouse that crawled on his back while he was in bed when he was five that first inspired him - It made him think about fears and how people overcome them.
" Fearless ! Cheating Death Nightly " features a positive theme - facing and overcoming our fears.
Aaron sees himself as a " warrior with mission ", " We can all overcome our fears,
我感到很榮幸能收到云顶的邀请,观赏了一项非常棒的魔术表演,而且还是首映哦,并且还能近距离的跟这位顶尖的魔术师来个近距离的合照,真的超开心的 (^0^)
他就是來自比利時神秘大師“ Aaron Crow ”將為您帶來一場令人惊讶的驚險特技極限和魔术表演“Fearless! Cheating Death Nightly”。
他就是來自比利時神秘大師“ Aaron Crow ”將為您帶來一場令人惊讶的驚險特技極限和魔术表演“Fearless! Cheating Death Nightly”。
日期:从 3月18日起至5月15日 2016年,
时间:星期一 至 星期日, 每晚9點
这里是一些关于Aaron Crow的出道简称:
Aaron Crow 曾於2013年參加人氣綜藝節目《英國達人第七季》,憑著出色的表現,被評審之一的Simon Cowell 也对他贊不絕口。他也曾受邀參加不少電視節目和舞台的演出,包括法國黃金檔節目《世界超級夜總會》、紐約百老匯歌劇院,倫 敦西區劇院和悉尼歌劇院等,獲得熱烈的回響和觀眾的支持。另外,他在每三年舉辦一次的世界魔術大會中,勇挫來自150個國家,逾2千5百名對手,成功脫穎 而出,在排行榜中位占榜首。他優秀非凡的才能得到世界各地的認可,更攬括無數國際魔術大賽獎項如在2003年荷蘭海牙舉辦的《第二十二屆國際魔術大會》 “心靈魔術組”和《2015年魔術士杯慶典》“現象組”中一舉奪冠。
Aaron Crow 有个绰号叫 “沉默心灵感应者 ~ silent mentalist” 当他正在表演魔术时是不会说话的,他只会运用他的奇特且神秘的魔术花招来引起观众注目和交流,他的沉默善辩的魔术演绎已成了他的特点。
Aaron Crow 的表演灵感来自于他在3岁那一年不小心吞了针,塞在喉咙,急得要紧急送医院。还有5岁时被大老鼠爬过他的背后当他正在睡房时,种种恐惧让他很想要去克服。
直到他12岁时,收到一本他偶像Harry Houdini 的书,书里记载了他的出名“吞针”表演,这促使Aaron Crow 要想方法来克服本身的恐惧和想象人们如何可以克服他们的恐惧。
以下是一些Aaron Crow表演的精髓照片让大家一睹为快哦。。。
这真是配合了Aaron Crow 特技極限和驚險魔术表演“Fearless! Cheating Death Nightly” 的标题。
这就是他的独特的“ 吞针 ” 表演,再看看参与观众的表情,个个无不目瞪口呆了。。。
这也是其中一项非常惊吓的表演,因为Aaron Crow 把打破了一半的玻璃瓶,用了几个白纸盒把它关上,然后要这位观众来猜猜那一个是有玻璃瓶在里面,不但如此还要这位观众用手把她猜的白纸盒按下去,惊讶吧。。。
*要去看现场才懂观众到底有否选对?有没有按倒玻璃瓶, Aaron Crow 如何帮她克服她的恐惧。。。
首先Aaron Crow 会选 3位观众上台,一位双手握着纸袋包,另一位双手握着一块木板,最后一位头上挺着一个黄梨。。。
Aaron Crow 突然拿起他身边的蜡烛就直接往他的眼睛滴下去,他这举动真的把我们吓了一跳,然后他就把眼睛蒙上一块黑布,拿起了一把尖锐的日本武士刀向着站在舞台的观众。。。
那记得要在3月18日起至5月15日2016期间买票进去雲頂國際歌劇院探个究竟吧。。。 (^0^)V
我真的很高心能有机会跟这位顶尖的魔术师 Aaron Crow 合影,也荣幸的成为第一批观众观赏他的精彩魔术加特技的演出,非常棒。
告诉你吧,单看照片都那么精彩了,到现场观看Aaron Crow的魔术+特技 ~
“Fearless! Cheating Death Nightly”的表演的话,肯定让你看的目不转睛,惊讶非常哦。。。
来按按以下网页了解更多详情吧 :
ReplyDeleteNice sharing. Can't miss the show.
ReplyDeleteThis one the show?