Tuesday, 9 June 2020

PG Mall No.1 E-Commerce Platform In Malaysia @ Merchant Recruitment

Since the start of the MCO, many people have fall in love with online shopping, because online shopping makes them feel safe, hygiene, save time and more convenient.

Especially when there are sales or promotion, will attract more customers to browse and shop online, because can get many best deals, shopping discounts and benefits.

Plan to do e-commerce business, but don't know how to start?
I would like to introduce PG Mall, M’sia No.1 E-commerce platform (established since 2017) to all my friends and readers.

PG Mall is a one-stop avenue, from groceries, fashion and beauty products, to home appliances and electronics that has everything you needs.

MoreoverPG Mall is the only platform in Malaysia to accept all e-wallets partners (Maybank QRPay, TouchnGo e-wallet, Boost, GrabPay, Alipay and etc) with this it gives the merchants a boost in capturing more shoppers with the vast checking-out options available.

Do you know PG Mall was ranked in the top three at Iprice insight report, which shows that it has a lot of supporter/customers on the Internet and also mean it is a trusted e-commerce platform.

Currently, PG Mall has more than 1,000,000 customer bases in Southeast Asia (SEA) (and continues to grow). PG Mall have a strong supportive group of customers base that promotes merchants on PG Mall to their network and social media on shopping experience.

Apart from that, PG Mall has a strong in-house MIS team that enables merchants to do various creative store campaigns and integration。
PG Mall is targeting at least 10k seller to join on board this year。

Worth to mention that there is no cost involve to be a merchant in PG Mall.
Besides, Merchant is supported with regular creative campaigns that partners with different e-wallets and banks every month do drive both sales and traffic to the stores.

PG Mall is integrated with SelluSeller, EasyStore, iStoreiSend, urStore, tresGo, Etailer Gateway, Red Dino and etc, welcome all sellers using these services to on board PG Mall。

PG Mall also Partner with 3PL : POS Laju, Skynet, Gdex, JnT express, abx express, DHL, to provide better services to their customer. 

With so many benefits above, additionally you don't need that huge start-up costs to start a e-commerce business.
Join the PG Mall today as a merchant “ https://seller.pgmall.my/?Source=Blogger&BloggerID=231 ”. 
PG Mall will let you enjoy all the benefits and have their partners to help you advertise regularly to increase sales in their e-commerce platform.  

About PG Mall:
Website: https://pgmall.my/?Source=Blogger&BloggerID=231Facebook: PGMallOfficial , https://www.facebook.com/PGMallofficial/
Instagram: PGMall.my , https://www.instagram.com/pgmall.my/ 


PG Mall 成立于2017,是马来西亚第一家电子销售平台,
PG Mall 还被Iprice insight report评价排名前三名,可见它在网上的客户拥护不少,是值得信赖的电子销售平台。
PG Mall 在东南亚(SEA)拥有超过1,000,000个客户群(并且还在不断增加中)。
PG Mall 是唯一拥有所有主要电子钱包合作伙伴(马来亚银行QRPay,TouchnGo电子钱包,Boost,GrabPay,支付宝等等),这么多选择的结帐方式也为商家带来了更多的购物者。所以在这里购物是很方便的哦。
PG Mall 拥有一群忠实客户,他们会推广 PG Mall 商家并且分享他们的购物体验到他们的网络和社交媒体上。

PG Mall 还拥有内部MIS团队,使商户可以进行各种创意商店活动。
PG Mall 今年的目标是招募至少要有1万名卖家加入他们的电子销售平台

PG Mall 成为一名商人是无需花费任何费用的。
PG Mall 也召集SelluSeller,EasyStore,iStoreiSend,urStore,tresGo,Etailer Gateway,Red Dino 等等,欢迎使用这些服务的所有卖家都可加入 PG Mall.

PG Mall成为商家吧 https://seller.pgmall.my/?Source=Blogger&BloggerID=231 !
PG Mall 会让你享有所有优惠并且还有他们电子钱包和其他合作伙伴会定时提供许多创意的广告系列来支持商家们并可为商家们提高销售量。

大家可以参考以下网站获知更多关于PG Mall:
Website: https://pgmall.my/?Source=Blogger&BloggerID=231Facebook: PGMallOfficial , https://www.facebook.com/PGMallofficial/
Instagram: PGMall.my , https://www.instagram.com/pgmall.my/
Seller: https://seller.pgmall.my/?Source=Blogger&BloggerID=231



  1. I have benefited a lot from visiting your site. Nice content and asome theme. Thank you Love you so much

  2. Thank you very much for your kind comments, and will try to do better and write more posts and share to everyone, love and Thanks dear :)
