Sunday, 28 November 2021

Fun-filled theme park ~ * Jungle Gym Playground *

We finally took our children to a theme park last weekend. My kids have a great time in this * Jungle Gym Playground * !

Jungle Gym is an indoor playground with the theme of "Jungle and cute animals". It is a playground located in many well-known shopping malls. There are currently 3 branches.


There are lockers to put your belongings and shoe racks to put your shoes, very organized and tidy

Many children like to play this musical piano mat

This playgroud has quite a large space, it has different game corners, and there are many different small playgrounds to cater to children of different ages.

There are games suitable for children from 2 to 5 years old, they can play in the smaller playground. This playground crawlers with soft play equipment specifically designed for them; such as soft foam, small slides, building blocks, small ball pool, piano mat, spinning animal balloons and much more! This playground is perfect for children from 2 to 16 years old.


As for children from 6 years old above, they can go to the larger playground on the other side. There are many small and soft slides, swing and shooting soft balls. Of course, there are many long slides and skateboard ladders that children love to play. .


And next to this playground is their restaurant, where parents can sit and watch their children play while enjoy their food.


If you want to see what kid of games in Jungle Gym, just take a look the photos I shared here.

They also have a special inflatable boat slide which is very fun, and my daughter has also played it many times! And there are staff to monitor the kid playing in some places.


The children will have enough space for activities and play here, and I am very happy to see them running around and playing.

Take your little ones to the Jungle Gym for a play today,  let them release their energy and imagination, and enjoy all the kids play games!


Now they have Fantastic discounts which can minus RM10 some more.

** Yes! You can get a special discount and RM10 Bonus when you buy tickets to JUNGLE GYM via MATFA rediscover FUN promotion. Go to, fill in your mykad details, download the e-voucher and bring it with you when you buy the tickets at JUNGLE GYM Easy! **

Vouchers are limited and just a few more left, so Hurry and grab your voucher now!


P/s: They have follow the SOP, such as requiring you to use hand sanitizer, scanning mySejahtera, and from time to time broadcast to remind parents to maintain social distancing and feel that the environment is also clean. 


Jungle Gym Atria and Jungle Gym Bangsar Shopping Centre are now open daily from 10am - 7pm.

* Friendly reminder: Try to arrange to play on weekday to avoid the crowds.

Happy reading and hope your children can also have fun in this Jungle Gym Playground * ... (^o^)v

Lets, check out their pages from more detail:



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