I got up very early to attend the Millennial Guide to Parenthood workshop today.
This Millennial Guide to Parenthood workshop is start from 10am to 2pm held at Sunway Medical Center.

This Millennial Guide to Parenthood workshop mainly explain about severe children illness and provide guidance and tips to parents on how to take care of their children and prevent these common children illness.
Millennial Guide to Parenthood workshop has invites the four childhood expert to talk in this workshop.
This workshop mainly cover four topics like Managing The 5 most common children’s illnesses, How to handle picker eater and how to bring out the best potential in your child.
This workshop start with welcome speech by Datin Wong Meng Lee,and followed by mini picassos appreciation ceremony (batch 1).
Many parent and children participate in this mini picassos appreciation ceremony. Especially the children feel so happy to get their cute cute Nippon Paint Mini Plush Toy and the certificate in this gift presentation ceremony

The first speaker will be Dr Cham Weng Tarng (consultan Paediatrician).
He is cover topic of “ Managing The 5 most common children’s illnesses ”, he has provide many information about HFMD, influenza and dengue, and explain the risk factors and symptoms of these three illnesses.
As normal, healthy person has a body temperature around 37 degrees Celsius. When our body is attact by virus or bacteria, the immune system raises our body temperature as to fight against infection and causing fever.
Fever can be scary, especially if your child is very young, or if his fever is persistently high for a few days. Very high fever in children may cause febrile fits and febrile fits lead to brain damage.
Dengue is the most common and important arthropod-borne viral (arboviral) illness in humans.
The influenza virus causes infections of the nose, throat and lungs.
Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a common viral illness that usually affects infants and children younger than 5 years old.
Symptoms of Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease (HFMD). Small red spots and tiny water blisters on the hands and feet. Seen on the palms, fingers, soles and toes.
According to the Dr Cham, HFMD is non-enveloped virus, can be transmission by contact and droplet, also the current available treatment is only symptomatic relief.
Please don’t panic if your child is infected with HFMD, please give the children to drink more water, wash hand frequently and keep good oral and throat hygiene to protect immune health.

*Do you know infected HFMD persons are most contagious during the first wek of the illness. Also, the period of communicability can last for several weeks.
Through this talk can let parents to know more about the three infectious children illness and also learn how to prevent this illness.
The second speaker will be Celeste Lau (Dietitican)
She has caver the topic of how to handle picker eater.
I believe that many parents are faced the same problem of children's picky eaters.
Picky eating is one of the most common complaints among parents.

According to Celeste Lau, picky eater can be classified into two type “ Picky Eater or “ Problem Eater ”.
Lets see the different between these picker eater below.
Picker Eater ~ Eats at least 30 different foods ;
Problem Eater ~ Eats fewer than 20 different foods
Picker Eater ~ Eats at least one food from almost all textures
Problem Eater ~ Restricted range or variety of foods and texture.
Please refer my blog post for more information about this talk.
Through her talk, parent can learn how to handle picky eater children. Parents need to try understanding children’s eating habits, the tips to introduce new foods and also the feeding Therapy.
The best way to encourage kids to eat a healthy, well-rounded diet is by using positive discipline. Without a positive and well-planned approach, a child’s eating habits can get worse.said by Celeste Lau.

There are one hour lunch break for the guest and the food served are tasty.
After the children are full, they sit down to watch the magic show and the clown show.

After a delicious buffet lunch, Dato’ Dr Rajbans Singh, President of Malaysian Wellness Society, spoke on the topic of Indoor Air Wellness. He highlighted how indoor air pollution can be 2 to 5 times worse than outdoors. With harmful pollutants all over the home, and in places one would never have thought off, he mentioned that this could affect a child’s health in the long term. Besides that, Dato’ Dr. Rajbans also shared some steps on how parents can take positive steps to improve indoor wellness, starting from home.

The last and hot topic among the parents was How to Bring Out The Best Potential in Your Child by Ms. Sam Jeng Mun who is a clinical psychologist. Parents took some time to take an assessment that determined their type of parenting style. From this assessment, parents were given a better understanding about their own personality. Ms. Sam also elaborated on the 4 types of parenting styles and how the particular style may affect their child mentally.
Last but not least, wanted to share the tagline " Prevention is better than cure ".
Parenting workshops are not just for young or inexperienced parents; they're for everyone who wants to be a better parent.
This parenting workshop can give us a much-needed skill set and help decrease our feelings of anxiety and increase your confidence in your own parenting ability.
Nippon Paint Wellness Colouring Contest
Aside from the talks by experts, the event also hosted close to 200 nominees from the Nippon Paint Wellness Colouring Contest. The Nippon Paint Wellness Colouring Contest is part of an initiative by Nippon Paint Malaysia to educate pre-school children on the importance of wellness and staying healthy. There were about 6,500 student from 56 school around Kuala Lumpur and Selangor that participated in the colouring contest.
The Colouring Contest was divided into 2 different categories:
· Category 1- Students aged 3 to 4-years-old
· Category 2- Students aged 5 to 6-years-old
All 200 nominees were presented with a Mini Picasso Appreciation Plaque and a Wellness Blobby to bring home. Out of the 200 nominees, 26 students were shortlisted to be in the running of winning the grand prize of a 2 day 1 night trip to Legoland Malaysia and a School-Makeover-Painting Package worth RM3,000.
After much anticipation, the winners of each category were announced towards the end of the Millennial’s Guide to Parenthood workshop. For the 3 to 4-years-old category, Lee Hui Yue from Taska Precious Step took home the grand prize, while Natalie Goh Xin Ning from Beaconhouse Subang emerged as winner for the 5 to 6-years-old category.
This Millennial Guide to Parenthood workshop was overwhelming and many parents participated.
*You may see more photos, video below to know more information about this workshop.
I have really enjoyed and found it very useful. I have learn so much about the babies growth on all levels after attended this parenting workshop.
Thanks to all the parenting experts for the useful information in this workshop.