Recently I have attended a workshop called “ Beginner’s Guide To Parenthood 2.0 ”that organized by Parenting Nagazine Malaysia.
This Parenting workshop was sponsored by Nippon Paint Malaysia and held on 4th Nov at Sunway Medical Centre.
This workshop consists of few topic sharing section by Paediatrician and Child Expert.
The first topic to kick start this workshop is “ Understand Your Baby’s Developmental Milestones ”and sharing by Dr. Cham Weng Tarng (consultant Paediatrician).
In the early months, your baby can't speak your language or understand fully what you're saying to him. But he's a fast learner. Your baby started listening to your voice in the womb, and will recognized it after birth.
Baby first genuine smile pops up when he or she's around six weeks old.
Baby first genuine smile pops up when he or she's around six weeks old.
By three months, your baby will add some gurgling sounds to his smile, his first attempts at having a conversation with you.
When baby around six months or seven months old,He's also beginning to tell the difference between strangers and familiar faces.
Continue by second talk “ Myth vs Truth on Children & Ilnesses ”by Dr. Cham Weng Tarng also which talk about the importance of the vaccination that could help to kills most of the virus and bacteria that exist around the environment.
Provide these vaccination to your child can help them to prevent some contagious diseases.
The third topic “ Indoor Wellness Program ”covered by Dr Amir Hamzah (President of the Malaysian Society of Allergy & Immunology (MSAI)). This topic talk about the wellness care in our indoor area like kid’s bedroom, inside home and any area that our kids hang out frequently. Especially Air pollution might cause many harmfulness to the children.
He sharing the (AQI - Air Quality Index) to the parents for how to keep the air fresh and clean through this Indoor Wellness Program.
As clean Air was important to protect our kids to grow in healthy environment.
The next topic was “ Raising A Balanced & Successful Child In The 21st Century ” talk given by Ms Sam Jeng Mun (certified clinical psychologist)
She said “ Kids that below 2 years old shouldn’t expose to the screen at all time and the kids above 2 years old should only allow to face the screen not more than 1 hour a day.
If the kids facing screen too long, it can effect the children’s brain development and overall health in addition to what these shows or games are teaching our children. Not on an iPad or playing games on a cell phone when it is a most crucial time for their overall development.
Instead of restricting screen time, we need to teach our children balance in a world where technology is abundant. We must introduce them to the concept of mindful usage.
She has suggested a good idea which is “ Free-Play activities ” to tackle those touch screen generation and teach your child to mindful usage of their gadgets.
Also, allowing time for free play helps to build a child's imagination and creativity, as well as problem solving skills.
The last topic was “ How Colours Influence A Child’s Development ”sharing by Giadys Goh (Group Manager of Nippon Paint Malaysia).
Do you know Color plays an important role as it could impacts our emotions and behaviors.
Example blue clours feelings of calmness. Yellow and other warm colors often evoke feelings of happiness.
Nippon Paint is less toxic as it contains non-added lead and almost no paint odour that suitable to paint for your kid’s bedroom.
The main reason parents paint children’s rooms, is to create a comfy and safe room for their child. whereas, Nippon Paint offers a eco-painting is here for same things which you think for in terms of painting walls and other stuffs.
There have snap and win Instagram contest, that sponsor by Nippon Paint, let see who is the lucky two winners that win for a FREE Room Makeover worth RM 1,500 in this workshop.

There have snap and win Instagram contest that sponsor by Nippon Paint, let see who is the lucky two winners that win for a FREE Room Makeover worth RM 1,500 in this workshop.
Congratulation to the 6 consolation prize winners and also the two grand prize winners too.
I found it was a very informative parenting workshop, either for first-time parents or other parents because “` Beginner’s Guide To Parenthood 2.0 ” offer many kinds of useful information on topics that range from childcare to health issues and emotional problems for children and parents.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you the main sponsor Nippon Paint and also big Thanks to Parenthood Magazine for the good food served and also having me in this meaningful parenting workshop.

Kindly click this link for more other workshop information, thanks.