还好,最近收到了由100 comments 举办的 Cooking Right, Looking Good in 2019烹饪班邮件邀请,真的是高兴也来不及,因为那里又写着,你将可以亲自动手煮的烹饪工作坊,并且您将会在专业名厨师的指导下完成那些健康的全套餐点。我一看到就赶快报名了。
Although I'm busy working mum but still find time to cook as I know home-cooked food is more healthy and good for my family.
Specially on weekend, I usually will spend one or two hour to making two to three dishes for my kids and family.
Cooking at home can be healthy, if you know how to chose the healthy, high-quality ingredients and products to prepare your foods.
My cooking skill is not so good. I'm always thinking to join the cooking class.
My cooking skill is not so good. I'm always thinking to join the cooking class.
However, Some are the cooking classes is expensive and I'm afraid that not able to learn the full course of meal in the cooking class.
I received an email invites from 100 comments to join the " Cookie Right, Looking Good in 2019 cooking class " recently .
It’s really a good news, because in this cooking workshop we need to cook ourselve, and will also have the chance to hands on and completed all the healthy meals under the guidance from a professional chef.
I on the spot register to this cooking workshop.
我10am 早上就来到Berjaya University College,还没进去厨房之前,主办单位的工作人员大概跟我们讲解这次烹饪工作坊需要注意的地方。
这Cooking Right, Looking Good in 2019烹饪工作坊活动是由100Comments联合举办,100Com是全国领先的独立评审平台,由Oilum,Nutriva和EUBOS共同赞助。
This " Cooking Right, Looking Good in 2019 " cooking workshop was organized by 100Comments, the nation's leading independent review platform and co-sponsored by Oilum, Nutriva and EUBOS.
Alce Nero有机食品提供了是这次烹饪工作坊的主要食材。
Alce Nero成立于1978年,是意大利领先的有机品牌,拥有近300种有机产品,包括意大利面,大米,番茄果肉和酱汁,蔬菜,豆类和酱汁,饼干和果汁,水果蜜饯和蜂蜜,以及蔬菜饮料和婴儿食品系列。
Alce Nero Organic Foods has provided the main ingredient in this cooking workshop.
Founded in 1978, Alce Nero is Italy's leading organic brand with nearly 300 organic products including pasta, rice, tomato pulp and sauce, vegetables, beans and sauces, biscuits and juices, fruit preserves and honey.
There is also a range of vegetable drinks and baby food.
Ayam Brand Malaysia战略营销顾问Nathan Deverre先生称,这些Alce Nero的有机产品系列产品在意大利种植和加工,不含化学品和农药。
Alce Nero的有机产品系列因为是采用有机种植法,所以它保存的营养价值会比较高,也比其他品牌的产品来的健康,也适合您一家大小享用的健康食品。
According to Nathan Deverre, strategic marketing consultant at Ayam Brand Malaysia, these Alce Nero organic product lines are grown and processed in Italy and are free of chemicals and pesticides.Alce Nero's organic product line is organically grown, so it has a higher nutritional value and is healthier than other brands. It is a healthy organic products that suitable to your whole family
你可以在 AEON, Ben's Independent, Cold Storage, Jaya Grocer 及 Village Grocer 找到Alce Nero的有机产品.
我们被分成三人组或两人组,并由Berjaya大学学院厨师讲师大师Athira教授三个食谱。 这位充满自信和实力的厨师细心的教导学员们,以及如何在准备原料时确保食品卫生。
这次烹饪工作坊的主厨是Chef Athira,厨师Athira在法国Le Mirail的图卢兹JeanJaurès大学获得了哲学硕士(食品研究),并且对她热切的学生进行了非常直接而又引人入胜的培训。
Profile of Chef Athira
Chef Athira completed her higher education in Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, Le Mirail, France earning her a Diploma, a Degree and finally a Master of Philosophy (Food Studies). The accomplished chef has made her way up the academic ladder swiftly, becoming a culinary instructor a few years after completing her undergraduate degree and while completing her Master’s degree. She also worked part-time at various hotels and restaurants namely JW Marriot Bukit Bintang, Temptation Restaurant RUEMZ Hotel and Primula Beach Hotel just to name a few. In sharing her academic experiences and advice to students, Chef Athira became an expert in her field, granting her the ability to become a Chef Lecturer at BERJAYA University College in March 2017.
大家正在使用Alce Nero的有机产品以及Ayam Brand的美味食品开始烹饪他们的食物。
Cooking under such time constraints is really a challenge. Make everyone feels nervous.
Of course, team work is important here when cooking under such time limits.
Each team member need to know what they need to do and try to help each other to prepare the foods so that can save time. Also, in order to complete a meal on the time given.
Of course, team work is important here when cooking under such time limits.
Each team member need to know what they need to do and try to help each other to prepare the foods so that can save time. Also, in order to complete a meal on the time given.

From the photos, you can know that everyone is busy preparing their ingredients and wish to cook a delicious and beautiful dish.
Besides the taste, presentation, and creativity will also be judged.
Seeing that everyone is very helpful and working together to cook the dishes, no matter what is the result, it should be worthy and enjoyed by everyone.
After cooking, everyone took the dishes to another room and waited for the chef Athira to taste it and give the marks.
除此之外,Alce Nero,Oilum,Nutriva和EUBOS 也设立摊位,借此交流让参与者了解他们的新产品。让您了解更多健康又美容的产品。
“这种营养饮料中没有添加糖或不需要的添加剂。 你喝到的将会是水果本身的甜味,“Nutriva International Sdn Bhd总经理Wallace Teoh先生说。
“这种营养饮料中没有添加糖或不需要的添加剂。 你喝到的将会是水果本身的甜味,“Nutriva International Sdn Bhd总经理Wallace Teoh先生说。
Oilum ~ Olive Oil & Collagen
Olive Oil & Collagen 的产品里含有橄榄油和胶原蛋白绝对适合所有皮肤使用,尤其针对干性皮肤。
Oilum摊位让博客们试用Oilum乳液,Olive Oil & Collagen 能够有效的保护皮肤免受干燥的环境损害。 他们也讲解更多关于Oilum 产品能紧致再平衡清洁肌肤的功效而不会剥离皮肤的水分。 “所有这些都归功于Oilum产品中含有的天然橄榄油和胶原蛋白成分,这些成分以独特的配方研制,如长期使用能使皮肤看起来更年轻,”MD Pharma总监Andrew Tan先生说。
EUBOS Skin Care products fron Germany
EUBOS护肤产品是采用经过验证的有效针对皮肤病成分进行科学配方,以清洁,滋养,保护和增强健康的皮肤。 EUBOS Basic Skin Care系列适合各种肤质。 经过验证的皮肤病活性成分可保护皮肤的生物圈,并提供润肤和保湿。 EUBOS Sensitive Skin系列专为敏感干燥,易刺激皮肤而设计。 它们被证明具有再生和保护作用,因为它们为干燥的皮肤提供水分,保湿也滋润皮肤。
Group 3 准备的三色亚洲意大利面沙拉,得到好评也为他们赢取了礼品。
Group 8 的意大利海鲜叻沙得到厨师们的青睐,为他们拿下高分二赢取了奖品。
接着颁发的是 intagram 的 share and Win contest, 觉得主办单位很公平,因为他们是选择有创意的分享照片。恭喜以下优胜者。。。
而我也很幸运的赢取了一份由Nutriva®MoriHealPlus 赞助的活力植物饮料和Nutriva®营养酵母,真的很开心和感谢。
I'm so happy as I able to win one of the Instagram " Share and Win " contest.
Thank you so much for the wonderful gift Nutriva®MoriHealPlus healthy fruits drink and Nutriva® Nutritional Yeast from one of the sponsor Nutriva®MoriHealPlus
Thank you so much for the wonderful gift Nutriva®MoriHealPlus healthy fruits drink and Nutriva® Nutritional Yeast from one of the sponsor Nutriva®MoriHealPlus
谢谢100Comments 联合其他赞助商举办了这么棒的烹饪工作坊,真的让我们获益良多,也让我们认识到许多健康的食材,产品和饮料。
希望能够再参与任何由100Comments 举办的活动,肯定会越办越精彩。
please give big applause to all the team, because everyone has their team work and put efforts to complete each dish on time.
If you try to cook with your patience and loves then you will find that cooking is actually a very fun and interesting.
is because you can let your children and family eat the healthy and
delicious dishes that you have prepared for them and also make them eat
healthy and feel happy always.
am very happy to join this cooking workshop, let me learn how to
allocate time, and learn how to cook and carefully prepare a healthy and
delicious dish.
I would like to take this opportunity to say Thank you to 100Comments organized such a great cooking workshop.
I hope I can join any other great event/workshop that organized by 100Comments in the future as It will definitely be more and more exciting.
在还没有结束这场精彩又有趣的Cooking Right, Looking Good in 2019前,我们与所有赞助商和100Comments工作人员来张大合照。看看大家都很兴奋。
Let's take a group photo before end this " Cooking Right, Looking Good in 2019 " workshop.

Please click this link for more photos and details
Alce Nero的有机产品 ~ www.alcenero,asia
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