Sunday 12 November 2017

Taiwanese Fresh Fruit Beverage specialist DaYung's opening their secomd store in town.

Taiwanese Fresh Fruit Beverage specialist DaYung's opening their secomd store in town.

Introduction about DaYung's Tea started off in the city of Yuanlin, Changhua city in Taiwan. Base on the passion on fruit beverage and the enthusiasm to serve, every cup of DaYung's tea has now established with over 200 outlet all over the major cities in Taiwan.DaYung's  Tea expert and their management always strictly controlled every steps from purchasing the fruits till process it, and also go through many testing level to ensure its drink serve in freshest and healthiest to their customer.

The first DaYung's Tea in Malaysia was opened on the 15th of September 2015, located in Sunway Putra Mall. While the second store will be opening in Paradigm Mall on the 27th December 2015, from here we can know Dayung's Tea really famous and have many consumer make them can spread/expanding their store very fast in the market Malaysia.  

On the Grand opening day 27th Dec 2015, renowned radio station DJ Jason will serves as " manager of the day " to hot the opening event and also explain and introduce this new taste of fresh fruit tea to everyone. Further more he will have a close contact with the guest and customer so don't miss out to meet him there.

In conjunction to their 2nd store opening and now they will having a special promotion, let's bring your family or friends to have a fresh and healthy fruit tea at there.

There have few special flavor to choose for customer.
1. Passion Fruit Green Tea ~ 新鲜果肉与百香融合,再搭配清新茶香,散发出爽口的滋味.
2. Kiwi Fruit Juice ~ 奇异果味道清新好喝。
3. DaYung's Fruit Tea ~ 《大苑子》招牌水果茶,综合了五种营养丰富的水果茶,非常特别。
4. Mango smoothies  ~ 芒果果肉味道非常鲜甜,好喝到我们回味无穷。(我们最爱口味之一)
5. Tomato Juice ~ 新鲜的番茄汁让我们喝到细腻的番茄汁, 超棒的口味。
6. Apple Vinegar ~ 苹果参透些许柚,味道适中满不错的。

This is my favorite drink stand. Unlike other drink stands, Da Yung emphasized freshly squeezed juice, and their specialties are all fruit based. The stand's aesthetics declare this loudly with their display of fresh fruit next to the ordering counter.

My favorite are their grapefruit drinks--grapefruit green tea, grapefruit Yakult, and straight grapefruit juice--largely due to their careful selection of the grapefruit they use for their drinks, which are all seasonal and fresh. Da Yung cares a lot of about quality, so they will sometimes take a drink off the menu if they can't get the right fruits rather than use concentrate or other substitutes.

Wish to get more detail about this fruit juice, can refer link below :-



台湾新鲜水果饮料 《大苑子》进攻马来西亚了,而且扩展至第二家门市了。真是可喜可嘉。

2001 年,《大苑子》于彰化县员林镇发迹,趁着对饮料的兴趣以及对顾客的热忱,《大苑子》的每一杯饮料都秉持着 “ 给顾客最好的 ” 之理念调制而成。

《大苑子》至今已有大概 200家门市,遍布台湾各大城市!《大苑子》从采购水果到调制饮料,每一个步骤都经过严格的检验,为的就是要让顾客享用到最新鲜和健康的饮料。

马来西亚第一家《大苑子》已在 2015年9月15日 创立于 Sunway Putra Mall. 第二家《大苑子》则在 2015年12月27日 在 Paradigm Mall 进行开幕活动。
开张当天还邀请了本地著名电台DJ Jason 贾森当一天的店长,更消费者互动至于也亲自介绍《大苑子》不同种类的新鲜水果饮料。


这杯就是《大苑子》的招牌 * 新鲜水果茶 *,里面包含了五种新鲜富含不懂维他命的水果 ( 百香果 + 青柠 + 红苹果 + 青苹果 + 樱桃番茄 )。
《大苑子》* 新鲜水果茶 * 让我们能一次过吃喝到五种不同营养的果汁,健康至于,味道也非常棒!适合一家人的健康水果汁饮料。


DJ Jason 贾森和伙伴们也在现场表演了一支生动活泼的水果节拍舞,顿时把现场给热闹起来,人群掌声四起非常精彩的表演。

1. 柚见百香 ~ 新鲜果肉与百香融合,再搭配清新茶香,散发出爽口的滋味.
2. 奇异果柚綠 ~ 奇异果味道清新好喝。
3. 新鮮水果茶~ 《大苑子》招牌水果茶,综合了五种营养丰富的水果茶,非常特别。
4. 爱文芒果冰沙 ~ 芒果果肉味道非常鲜甜,好喝到我们回味无穷。(我们最爱口味之一)
5. 番茄梅 ~ 新鲜的番茄汁让我们喝到细腻的番茄汁, 超棒的口味。
6. 苹果柚綠 ~ 苹果参透些许柚,味道适中满不错的。

《大苑子》Paradigm Mall  分行开张当天,人潮涌现在《大苑子》档口前,大家都迫不期待的想要尝试一下《大苑子》丰富的水果汁饮料。

趁着假期的到来,不妨带着家人或约朋友们一起来到 Paradigm Mall 试试喝看这新鲜,又健康的《大苑子》水果饮料。让你在炎热的暑天也可享受到片刻的清凉。


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